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Mortgage Professor about maintenance costs: 
How Much of Your House Does an Investor Deserve?
1 August 2005 "I have a friend who wants to put up the 20% down payment I need to purchase my house. It would be an investment by him, which he would recover when I sell the house or in 7 years, whichever comes first. Our problem is in determining the percent of the house ... more...

Which Reverse Mortgage Option Do I Choose?
October 20, 2003 "I am 75 and plan to take out a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage. My problem is that I keep vacillating between the different options. One day I think I want the credit line and the next day I think I want something else. Can you help?" I can?t give you any specific ... more...

maintenance costs related definitions

Appraisal An estimate of the value of property, made by a qualified professional called an "appraiser". Before a lender will lend you the money for a home, they will first require an appraisal to be done by a qualified licensed appraiser ... more...

Equal Credit Oportunity Act
Equal Credit Oportunity Act (ECOA) Is a federal law that requires lenders and other creditors to make credit equally available without discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital status or receipt of income from public assistance programs. ... more...

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Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

Mortgage Glossary - A Glossary of Mortgage Terms You Should Know
Acceleration Clause A clause in a mortgage defining that the entire outstanding balance can become due and payable should mortgage default occur. If the entire balance is not paid, the property will be foreclosed.Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) Mortgage with interest rates that may be adjusted by ... more...

Stop Wasting Money When You Fill Your Car Up With Gas Part 2
As I stated in my previous article - Its no big secret - gas prices are rapidly rising. This additional cost for fuel has become a financial burden for many consumers. This second installment to my first article gives more tips and advice on how to save money when filling your car up with gas ... more...

Home Based Business: Your Ultimate Tax Shelter
Starting and operating your own home based business is the ultimate tax shelter.Although this article has been written from a Canadian income tax perspective, the principles should be practical in other tax jurisdictions.1. Non-Deductible Personal Living ExpensesAll of us have expenses that we ... more...

What to Look for in a Home
Searching for just the right home can be very exciting. You may plan ahead for the number of bedrooms and bathrooms that you want. Or imagine preparing for dinner parties in a sun-filled kitchen. Although these things are important, there is more to a good home purchase than the rooms it contains. ... more...

Real Estate Investing - So You Want to be a Landlord!
Is landlording the way to go if you are starting into real estate investing today?Receiving cash flow from rental residuals is an exciting idea. If the rental housing is congregated in large apartments within a focused area, the costs of management and maintenance are more economical. Rentals are ... more...

So You Want to Buy a Home?
Taking the plunge into home ownership can be a rewarding step for many first-time home buyers. Before you take the plunge, look before you leap. Homeownership is not for everyone.304 Take into consideration the pluses for renting versus owning: -Monthly costs: renting can be more cost-efficient ... more...

5 Home Buying Essentials
Purchasing a home involves certain important, even essential, steps that every buyer should take before closing on a purchase. Lets examine these essentials which, if properly implemented, can help you save valuable time and aggravation.1. Determine What You Can Borrow. Sure, if you know your ... more...

How to Sell Your Home by Owner And Double Your Profit When You Sell
When you want to sell your home, you are probably looking for someone who can qualify for a bank mortgage to buy your home, right?Assuming you are successful in finding such a buyer, the costs of the sale will probably wipe out your equity, or profit on the sale.The National Association of Realtors ... more...

Exotic/Luxury Cars = Exotic/Luxury Maintenance and Upkeep
Human emotion puts a lot of people into a bad financial heartache.Especially when it comes to buying a car! Well first of all Exotic/Luxury cars require Exotic/Luxury maintenance and upkeep cost.Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines "Luxury" as something that is adding to pleasure or comfort ... more...

Debt! Do You Want to Get Out of Debt?
Everywhere you go everyone is saying the same thing: "I can't keep up with my bills!"It seems as though as soon as you manage to pay one stack of bills, the month flicks over and then in comes the next lot. Rising utility costs, ongoing taxation at every level, rising fuel prices and higher food ... more...

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